
Turmeric Cold Refreshing Tea With Water

The idea is you can mix turmeric with just about anything. When I mix turmeric with plain water, I put one tablespoon in a 12 oz bottle, then I mix in one whole squeezed lemon and sweeten it by mixing in some honey. You also can add fresh sliced cucumber, mint  for taste and adding a pinch of  Black Pepper Enhances The Benefits Of Turmeric.

Turmeric Milk Nightly Drink (Anti-Inflammatory):
Try this cup of comfort tonight! The turmeric will settle your stomach if it feels uneasy, the warm milk will make you sleepy and the spices provide extra flavors and warmth. Heat 2 cups organic milk, regular milk is fine if that’s the only kind you have on hand (or almond, coconut, soy milk) with 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, a pinch each of freshly grated ginger root and cracked black pepper, and 1 cinnamon stick. If you don’t have ginger, it’s OK. Cook until the milk comes to a full boil. Enjoy warm and relax, read a good book until you fall asleep.

Power in Cauliflower – Cauliflower Sauté:

When cauliflower is mixed with Turmeric, it increases prostate fighting abilities. -1 Head of Cauliflower, Olive Oil, Fresh Garlic (chopped), Turmeric, Black Pepper, Cut cauliflower into bite size pieces. When water starts to boil, add cauliflower to water along with 1 teaspoon Turmeric, a pinch of pepper. Boil for few minutes, without overcooking, stir very gently. Once the cauliflower is cooked, drain, and set aside. In a sauté pan, add olive oil and sauté garlic until very lightly seasoned. Do not overcook or garlic will become bitter. Add the cauliflower. In a cup, mix 1/8 cup of water with 1 teaspoon Turmeric and mix well. Then, add to sauté, being very (over) careful, as water and oil will spritz and shoot some oil in the air. Add gradually, pouring mixture over the cauliflower evenly and mix. Simmer for few more minutes until mixture thickens and water is evaporated, serve!

Sauté with “Turmeric”

Turmeric is like salt and pepper; add it for a little flavor. Adding too much is not the best way, it’s better to dash a little at a time. When cooking with Turmeric you must first realize it is a powder and powders pull out moisture, so when adding Turmeric to a dish you must look at the moisture content. If there is no moisture it will clump up, remain dry and will not evenly distribute in the dish. When you sauté a particular dish you must add olive oil, water or wine to break down moisture and distribute evenly. You can also use it as a dry topping, such as a sprinkle on salads, meats, fish and eggs. Turmeric will add an earthy warm taste to your dish. Once you get the hang of cooking with Turmeric you will always use it in every dish.

Be careful with Turmeric, it stains everything, including your fingers. White clothing will get ruined in a flash, as well as other light colors. It will all have a nice color of yellow. When cooking any dish, water, wine, (white wine is a safer choice) or stock (chicken or vegetable) is very important. The liquid helps carry all spices and flavors throughout the pan. It also helps in keeping the food from sticking to the pan, and keeps it moist, so that it does not dry out and burn. It also helps in mixing all ingredients in the pan. When sautéing any dish, as you cook add just a ½ shot or less at a time, then mix.
Depending on how hot your flame is, fluid of any kind will evaporate. If you use stock, make sure it is not salted, because as the stock evaporates it leaves the flavor behind and will overwhelm the dish with salt. As wine evaporates, the alcohol will evaporate also and the flavor of the win will be left behind. Keep in mind when you cook or sauté a dish that liquids are a great thing to keep an eye on, using them will help you create a delicious end result, when used correctly.

Turmeric Home Remedies: 

For insect bites, mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with small amount of lemon juice until a paste is formed, apply to affected area.

A glass of hot milk with a teaspoon each of turmeric and honey relieves congestion and cough.

For liver problems such as jaundice, 1/4th of a teaspoon of turmeric stirred into a glass of warm water, drink at least three times a day.

Applying turmeric to fungal infections is very beneficial. Apply turmeric on wounds and cuts to speed up the healing process.

Turmeric paste can be applied to burn victims so that the skin does not get infected.

For throat infections, a teaspoon of turmeric powder into two cups of boiled water;  strain and gargle. Repeat as needed.

A teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot water, with a pinch of salt gives immediate relief from flatulence.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our Turmeric Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.